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Affiliation & Approved Status

When you join the Clearlake Network, you and your practice become Approved Members.

We will feature you and your practice on our website, with a detailed profile, clearly identifying the name of your practice, with URLs linking to your own website and social media pages.

You may also choose to affiliate with Clearlake on LinkedIn as a Clearlake Network Approved Member.

Where there is alignment, we will feature your articles as guest blog-posts in our growing sector-specialist Knowledge Hubs, clearly marking them as your work and also linking to your website.

Your membership and affiliation with Clearlake is intended give a measure of quality assurance for your clients as well as giving you, your clients, the SRA and your insurers the comfort of being able to fall back on a larger team that can provide additional expertise and stand-in support during times of sickness or absence.

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